Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 2: Bippity Boppity Boo!

When my fairy godmother sent me a gift card to Kohl's – for the express purpose of purchasing some nice smaller clothes for me – the magic had already begun, unbeknownst to either of us.  As I've mentioned in prior blogs, I haven't bought myself a brand new outfit in I-don't-know-how-long.  Usually when I'm at Kohl's, it's because I'm buying a present for someone else, so it was a challenge to overcome Mom Guilt and walk to the women's section rather than children's, men's, or house wares.  I was really excited about this gift card, and decided that this time I wasn't going to spend it on anyone else; I was going to spend it on me.

Magic #1:        My friend's gift to me turned into me giving a gift to me.


I felt overwhelmed – do I choose a top or bottom?  Do I pick one really nice thing or several nice  things?  I started by instructing myself to not buy t-shirts.  Though they're really pretty, realistically I have enough for now, and they're not special enough for the gift from my fairy godmother.  I looked at this and that, and wandered some more.  Then I realized I didn't know what size I wear!  So I picked a dress and headed for the fitting room.

Magic #2:        I went into a fitting room on my own behalf.


Here's where the real magic happens, the most unexpected gift of all.  Since I had picked a dress to try on, my entire body was trying something on.  The dress was too big, and I didn't like it.  But the best part: I couldn't believe how short and round I looked!  I looked like a dollop of whipped cream, all mushy and round at the bottom, gradually tapering up to a pointy top!  I looked like I did 50 pounds heavier!  And I didn't fall apart.  I just thought "I'm going to find something else to try on."

Magic #3:        Confronted with my obesity in a store mirror, I didn't feel sick to my stomach.


I returned to the dressing room with a couple of tops and noticed how the jeans and top I'd worn to the store looked baggy and dumpy.  And the saddle bags on me!  Holy Toledo!  But I still wasn't devastated.

Magic #4:        I found the fire in my belly again.


I ended up purchasing the perfect sweater to accompany a dress I already own and am shrinking into, and a pretty top unlike any I've owned before.  Even better, by being confronted with my overstuffed saddle bags, I found the determination to kick them the heck off my body.  I'm ready to not just work like a dog at the gym the way I have been, I'm ready to tear it up.  This past week I timidly dipped a toe into even more exercise.  Now that I see I was able to do it, and now that I've got this miraculous sense of empowerment, I am so ready to jump, kick, jog, punch, and SWEAT!  I'm ready to eat as many vegetables as I need to no matter how boring they are.  The complacency is gone.  I've seen a mirror with nothing but me in it.  It showed me what I most needed to see, and with my recently gained love and pride, I'm going to start making my reflection appear as it does in my mind's eye.


Hang on & stay tuned – I'm just getting started! 


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