Friday, April 15, 2011

April 15

Happily I ran into Laura this morning at the Y.  We talked about this & that, and she reminded me of something I really needed to hear: I only have to track my food intake on the days I want to lose weight.  J

I had a good workout this morning, and yesterday's weightlifting has left its mark on my shoulders.  For the first time in many days I can write: I'm looking forward to today. 


Thursday, April 14, 2011

April 14

It would seem that though I've learning to deal with daily emotional eating issues, I still haven't mastered the ability to overcome it entirely.  For the past week or so my eating hasn't been bad, but I haven't been able to get myself to track – I've actually stopped in the middle of tracking!  My daughter leaves today for a weeklong overseas visit with relatives.  As the one staying behind, it's ironic that I'm carrying more baggage than all the people on the plane combined!  I've got all sorts of childhood abandonment issues; I'm worried about inappropriate airport security pat downs on my little girl and I'm worried that in our world of terror levels my little one might fall as an innocent victim of someone's blind hate; I'm worried that my youngest daughter will miss her big sister and that my son will feel jealous (though he went last year); I'm worried about what to do with my kids during spring break next week and how to keep my eating on track; I'm worried because freelance work has been nonexistent of late but bills have not; I'm worried because high school is just  a couple years away for our eldest and preschool is just a couple months away for our youngest.


What's a person to do with such worry?  I'm grateful that I've got weightlifting today – that will help focus my runaway thoughts.  I'll publicly wish a very happy birthday to my sister and tell her I'm proud of her (Happy birthday, Kirs!  I'm proud of you!).  And I'll take a box or two of tissue with me for the drive to the airport.  And I'll turn the negatives (my son will feel jealous) into positives (I get to spend extra time with my son who's getting older by the minute).  And I'll track my food for the entire time my daughter's gone.



Tuesday, April 12, 2011

April 12: Burnout... yeah Baby!

Today was weightlifting class, and I've got the endorphins to prove it!  J  David put us through a technique called burnout, or ladders as my dad knows it.  I won't bore you with all the ins and outs, but believe you me, it's hard sweaty, work  and absolutely fantastic.  AND I did this after a good cross-trainer workout.  Thanks to "Paradise City" by Guns 'n Roses, I had burned it up, flying at 100!


I had needed to kick my backside today after feeling under the weather for the past couple days.  There's nothing like a good round in the gym to make a head cold turn tail and run!


This most excellent workout was marred by the absence of my workout buddy who was badly burned this weekend.  Class wasn't the same without her, but until she can be with us lifting again, I'll lift for her, too.



Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11

April 11

Ugh!  Either the warm weather has brought my allergies into full bloom or I'm succumbing to the virus that's been giving everyone head colds.  Either way, I don't like it.  Nonetheless, I got myself to the gym this morning and I'm glad that I did.  My eating got out of whack last week, and I'm scratching and clawing my way back to the straight & narrow, not yet panicking over the fact that I'm showing NO LOSS at all since the last weigh-in.  I've got no choice but to figure this out.
