Sunday, July 31, 2011

7/31/2011: Transition

  You're probably aware of the three parts of a triathlon: swim, bike, run.  Did you know there's a fourth event?  It's called transition; it's how you switch from one event to the next.  The transition area is like a locker room; it's where you keep all your gear laid out in a precise grab-n-go manner.  Bike, goggles, socks, bike shoes, running shoes, energy gels, water, hat, helmet, and towel are some of the equipment you'll find in any given transition area.  Triathletes practice this fourth event just as they do the other three.  For triathletes, every second counts.  They don't want to come in second place just because they took an extra second switching their shoes.


  For the past couple of days, I've been preparing for transition.  I think the biggest change is returning to my efforts being about me, rather than about how my results compare with those of anyone else.  Changes ahead: my kidlets will return to school alarmingly soon, and heavy duty surgery awaits me.


  But beyond those legs of the race is my finish line: healthy and strong body, mind, and soul.  I've got to plan how I'm going to get from the starting line of right now, through these upcoming challenges, to that goal of health.  To that end, I've spent time this week evaluating a host of options: food logs, exercise options, and support teams.  I've returned to reading the stories of people who have worked toward and achieved similar goals. 


  We've all heard that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.  I'd like to offer that my success will be 1% inspiration, 95% perspiration, and 4% preparation.  Gotta be prepared for those transitions.



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