Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 20: The funnest bike rider in the world

  Yes, yes, you don't have to tell me: I know that funnest isn't really a word.  And that you're not supposed to start a sentence with but or and.  But bike riding is so much fun, and I've just returned from a very fun bike ride, and I don't want to blather on about "I am one who derives great pleasure from the experience of bicycling."  Bah!  Come with me, and you too might be one of the funnest bike riders in the world!


  We start out this morning with no other plan than to ride our bikes.  Traffic is light, so we go this way.  While going this way, we remember a hill we've been wanting to practice on.  And then we remember that said hill is not only in the opposite direction, bu that happens to be not too far from our friends' house and another fun-looking hill.  So we wind our way in and out, up and down the grey and black patchwork of streets, past the shopping plazas and movie theater, and towards the rising sun.


  Being the funnest bikers we are, of course we know other bikers and are happy to meet a fellow biker-ess out and about this morning.  Naturally we stop for a chat and we chat about our happy morning bikey-ness before bidding each other Good day!  And then we – that's you and I, my funnest biking companion – decide to explore a little.  We see some morning animals, some sunrise-pondering people.  We bike to where the sidewalk ends at a cliff (yikes! slow down!), and turn happily around, biking up a little grassy place (because yes, we are strong enough to bike through grass).  And we're good enough to not bang into the tree, despite its lure and refusal to move out of the way.


  Our goal at this park is, of course, the hill that originates in the lovely lake.  We're careful downhill, using brakes so we don't end up bicycling to Canada by mistake.  After all, we haven't packed a lunch.  And at the bottom of the hill, on the hill we played on as kids, we're greeted by golden morning sun so brilliant it tattoos smiles on our faces.  We look around in wonder at the effect the light has on the wildflowers growing between the rocks.  We hear the birds and the waves and the little sounds that have been here long before us and will be here long after.


  And then we turn around, muster our courage and might, and bike. up.  that.  hill.  Yes, pedaling should be about nice smooth circles, but in this case, we'll settle for a slow, staccato march on the pedals.  Don't panic, it's not that big a hill.   Just aim for that little tree up ahead.  And here we go.  No, you're not stuck at a standstill, let alone slipping backwards.  You're doing awesome!  Strong hams, strong quads -- they're working!  Yippee!  We did it!  We passed the tree and are back on our way!


  Hm.  A friend lives down this street; let's bike down the street and explore.  Huh.  Never been over there before.  What's that?  Oh how pretty!  Hey, look over there!  And back up the street.


  And now the street of other friends, the street with a couple nice up-and-downs.  Pass the nice lady who calls out Hello from her front step.  And wheeee!wegodownthehillsuperfastandourmomentumcarriesusacrossandhalfwayuptheretill we have to start pedaling again.  And, oh!  The lake!  Don't linger too long because we'vegotanotherhilltoridedownlickedysplitwheeeeeeeee!  And up again.  Pass the nice lady who calls out something about inspiring her to ride her bike.  Smile and wave, keep pedaling.


  Pedal, pedal, pedal.  Intersections and bumps.


  Around the corner.


  And home again.



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