Thursday, September 29, 2011


Wow.  You know the saying about when a door closes, a window opens?  Well, I told the universe I was ready for a change, and doors and windows were all blown to kingdom come.  I recognize that if I try to follow all the possibilities I’ll be as shattered as said doors and windows, so I’m going to take deep breaths and force myself to slow down.  I’m going for whelmed here, not overwhelmed.
One of the ideas I’m exploring is vegetarianism.  As long as I’m developing healthy eating habits, why not explore something that’s been deep within me for years?  The seeds were planted way back in my childhood when I’d chew (and chew and chew) overcooked pot roasts and start thinking of what exactly I was chewing.  The first and last time I tried ribs, the smoky/fleshy smell zipped my memory straight back into the oral surgeon’s chair while he burned away the roof of my mouth in order to expose impacted teeth.  When I come across veins and rubbery things when preparing chicken, I feel ill.  And fish just isn’t an option.  The only meat I’ve been comfortable with has been meat in disguise: so processed into a hot dog or deli meat that I can fool myself into thinking they’re made from grains and water.  And what’s the point of eating fatty, salty, processed materials?
Another idea I’m exploring is yoga.  When I look at yoga books or DVDs and see poses my body is not designed for, I cringe and question.  But when I dig deeper and learn about the mind/body balance aspect, I feel more confident that yoga may be a useful tool for me.  And happily I know of at least three yoga instructors in my area.
I toyed with the idea of vegetarianism in the past, but wasn’t mature enough to handle the commitment.  I still may not be ready, but at least I’m mature enough to realize that.  For the most part, I’m excited about eating according to my inner voice.  I’m hoping that yoga, along with prayer and counseling, will help me clarify that inner voice in regards to not just food and fitness, but self.
And I’m excited for more bike rides and hikes, learning tennis from a Friend, and kayaking next summer.  And two triathlons next year.  J

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