Monday, March 26, 2012

The Life of Karin

That's IT!

Ladies & Gentlemen, a lesson has worked its way through my skull.  Longtime readers may remember my Year of Karin: twelve months when I put myself first and was super cautious about volunteering.  During those months I was healthier than I'd been in a long time.

Since that Year of Karin ended in October, I've added a lot of weight to my frame.  First there was surgery recovery which derailed my workouts.  Then family, school, church, and community demands crept over me like ivy.  Add some holidays and cold weather, a verbalized UNrecognition and an unspoken lack of support for projects I'd taken on, along with the demands of my new venture; couple these with a recognition that my family -- my husband, my kids, me -- are getting the short end of the stick... even my clothes are turning up the pressure. 

Well, enough is enough.

I hereby declare the Life of Karin.

The world is on notice.  I'm going to be selfish, just like my counselor advised me all those months ago.  Other people can step up and volunteer.  If organizations can't run without me, then they won't run.  And the fact is, I'm pretty sure they can run without me.  I can't run around trying to save the whole world while killing myself; I need to work on my corner of the world, ' planting my own garden and decorating my own soul' (V. Shoftstall).

There will still be volunteering & community in my future -- but out of love and belief, not out of obligation.

Life's short, my time with my family grows shorter.

I'm not going to waste precious time.


  1. excellent post! you have to take care of yourself! as a stay at home dad, I learned that the hard way...have you ever heard of the company called Advocare? their products changed my life! being healthy is important for me and for my family

  2. Good thinking. Good choices, IMO. Good luck to you.
