Thursday, June 14, 2012

P is for...

Today's adventure was brought to me by the letter P.  P is a fun letter.  It's used for push-ups and pedal.  It's also used for pilates, and since pilates looks like pirate, and I got a kick out of the pirate triathlon last summer, certainly I'd get a kick out pilates, too.  What's not to love?  Holding poses, seeing how long your muscles can hold out. Sounds like weightlifting, and I love weight lifting.

I. don't. like. pilates.  And here's why.

1.  Lack of endorphin rush.
2.  I spend lots of energy trying to uncramp my neck scar tissue and losing focus on what the exercises are meant to do.  And doing those bicycle things and scissor kicks while lying down makes my back and hip sound and feel like a pan of JiffyPop.
3.  No endorphins.  None.
4.  This is the big one for me, I think.  In addition to determination, pilates requires prolonged concentration and self-coaching.  When I exercise, I'm all about being my challenger and my cheerleader.  Concentrating is no fun.  Exercise for me needs some play.
5.  Did I mention that there are no endorphins to be found in a pilates workout?
6.  Unfortunately I ended up next to someone who's been practicing pilates for 8 years.  That person was probably a very nice person, but for the first time in a long time I couldn't get past feeling judged -- and the person probably wasn't even looking at me!  But because there was nothing to do but think about owies and not tipping over or how goofy I felt lying on my back with my feet way up there...  Nope the whole thing made me uncomfortable.

But one of the magnets on my refrigerator reads "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."  Maybe I need to give pilates another chance -- stare it down, win the battle, and discover the treasure that makes it so popular with so many people.  I hope there are endorphins.

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