Monday, February 21, 2011

February 21: Letter to The Scale

Dear Lighten Up Scale:

        I've thought about you a lot this month – every day, in fact!  When we met less than a month ago, did you know that you'd be on my mind every day and twice on Sunday?  As our February rendezvous draws nearer, I can't help but be nervous.  Will you recognize how hard I've worked?  What will you say?

        Since I last saw you, I've been much better about making plans and sticking to them.  I've consistently overcome the temptation to skip a morning of exercise, and I've been able to lift more weights and jog more than ever before!  As always, food is a great temptation for me, but I've gained a little more control since I last saw you.

        I know you won't like this, dear Scale, but I  appreciate non-scale victories.  I've had a few of those this month, and I'm going to tell you about them. 

J    On several occasions, without forethought, I jogged up a flight of stairs like I did when I was a kid. 

J    At a friend's suggestion, I tightened the drawstring on my winter coat and found that it fits better that way.

J    I was able to carry 5.5 gallons of milk & juice at one time across a parking lot, up stairs, down an elevator, and across a large basement without stopping.

J    Several people have asked whether I've lost weight, and I've been responded, "Yes!  Thanks for noticing!"

        Now, I know how temperamental you can be, dear Scale.  There's a good chance that when we meet on Saturday you won't acknowledge all the hard work I've done.  That's okay.  You do what you need to do.  I'll do what I need to do. 

        You and I have a few months left together; we've got time to work on our relationship.  Perhaps over the spring and summer you'll come to understand how much I want to see lower numbers.  Perhaps I'll come to understand that it's really not about you, dear Scale.  It's about me.



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