Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6: A Numbers Game

For a moment I was pleasantly surprised to read this morning that I weighed 214.  But then I panicked.  See, since I attend Weight Watchers every week, I know that my weight was actually 244 last weekend. 


I could sit here wringing my hands, feeling sorry for myself because I would be absolutely unable to show a loss at the February weigh-in.  (I can't healthfully lose more than 30 pounds in a month.)  I could turn to food for comfort.  Or I could control my reaction.


Luckily for me, the Serenity Prayer is a big part of my life.  In this case:

Serenity – to accept that I cannot change the printed number

Courage – to continue to work to lower my actual weight

Wisdom – a typo is not the end of the world


Mistakes happen – heaven knows I've mastered the art of making mistakes! 


As I remind myself regularly: the number on the scale is just a number – it's feedback.  What matters is that no matter the number, I work hard, eat right, and journal/blog to keep myself focused.


I sent an early morning email in to our wonderful editor who is running the contest, and confirmed with her my actual starting weight of 244.  She graciously put me at ease and promptly corrected my starting weight on-line.


Nonetheless, I challenge myself to meet and surpass that phantom 30 pound loss!  I can hardly wait till I actually weigh only 214… and then 200… and then 180… and then….



~Karin, with an i  (with a special nod to L.M. Montgomery's "Anne, with an e")

1 comment:

  1. HI Karin, You are so enthusiastic. I love your attitude. AND your honesty!! I usually weigh myself several times in different positions on the scale and record the lowest number that pops up. From now on you have inspired me to write down the highest number instead.
    I'd love to know your meal plan. So you have more to lose, want to lose the remainder of your goal at a faster pace, took a bit of a slide you have to make up for first and then have some more, or all of these?
    I'll be watching. You have yet another a fellow struggler, just remember that as you try to relieve your stress with a big chunk of chewy celery. Smiles, Rosy
