Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10 Body bags, etc.

After this morning's workout, I asked myself why I don't just bring a body bag with me to the gym. It'd be so much easier if someone would carry my worn out body home.  I started my workout with a couple sweaty miles on the elliptical machine (have to keep working on that triathlon!), then caught my breath and proceeded to allow David to let me have it.  I've lost track of how much I'm leg pressing: I lift the stack and however many more weights D can find to add to the stack.  By the time WOW was done, my muscles were doing a fine impression of overcooked spaghetti.  And I felt awesome.

Oh – and I've earned all the required stars for my Y Stars t-shirt! J

I'm discovering more changes in my body.  When I scratch my back, it feels less fleshy.  When I caught a glimpse of my forearms in the mirror at the gym, I was surprised to see less fat there, too.  And I'm becoming obnoxious about asking my friends to feel how solid my shoulders are.  That said, I'm still no match for an unopened pickle jar, and my underarm flab is to be completely ignored when admiring my awesome shoulders.

Thankfully all these changes aren't making me complacent.  I've learned that lesson.  Though I see the changes, I'm not losing sight of how much farther I need to go.  I'm letting the changes empower me rather than dull me.  While I was trying not to die during weightlifting today, I thought about how in the past when I've lost weight, I've simply shed water and some fat.  This time around, I'm building muscle and a lot of it.  The other day when my youngest fell asleep in my arms, I was able to hold her and carry all 37 pounds of her for more than half an hour!  My back didn't hurt and my knees didn't ache.

I'm getting strong in so many ways.  So even though I'm still not shedding pounds as quickly as I'd like, I have to be happy and proud.  I also need to keep going.  I need to resist the temptation of "Well, the pounds aren't coming off, so I may as well have some chocolate." 

Healthy eating, healthy eating, healthy eating, with a touch of moderation.  I can't rely on exercise alone to get me where I need to be. 


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