Monday, October 24, 2011

Finding the Beat Again

Hey! Hey! Things are lookin' better now
Hey! Hey! Nothin' lasts forever
If you open up your heart and let it in,

I've been working up to reclaiming my Early Morning Gym Rat status.  I've tested how my body works with my Bionic Ear, and so far so good.  All I had to do was take the next step.

I had to make up my mind.

Left to its own devices, my mind would be messily rumpled like a well slept in bed.  It'd be utter chaos in my noggin, with my brain flitting from one Bright Shiny to another.

But guess what?  Old habits die hard, and apparently going to the gym early is now an in-grained habit.  It's a behavior which has taken root inside, and despite the attraction and distraction of daily chaos, it wouldn't give up on me.

So Saturday I decided that Monday morning I'd be up and attem bright and early (or pitch dark and early).  I remembered that just like a mail carrier, I'd gone to the gym through rain, snow, sleet, and heat, and I envisioned myself getting at my usual gym with my usual crowd.

Then I thought about what I'd need to do to reach that goal of being in the gym, and I made up my mind to do those thigns. 

Step 1: Put my music, water bottle, and an apple on the table.
Step 2: Get ready for bed early.
Step 3: Set alarm clock for early.
Step 4: Lay out workout clothes in a pile easily found in the dark.

And it worked!  I was at the gym, I found my co-horts, and I burned 400 calories before the rest of my household awoke.

And now my brain is free to flit from task to task.

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