Monday, April 2, 2012

April 2, 2012

Dear Diary,

It's been almost a year since I quit attending Weight Watchers meetings.  I stopped attending meetings because finding time to attend meetings dropped down my priority list, I was annoyed by the company's pushing its line of processed foods, and I felt like I had all the knowledge I needed, and I could do it by myself.

Nearly a year later, I find that I've slipped back into bad habits, and I'm tempted to run back into the open arms of WW.  I know that I succeed with WW. 

I'm not going to do it though because 
  1.  WW demands more dollars than I can allocate (I can hear the leaders arguing "It's an investment in your health");
  2.  My time is still at a premium (leader: "You need to make yourself a priority, and attending meeting is important.  Members who attend meeting lose more weight and keep it off.")
  3.  (and this is the big one) At every WW meeting, WW leaders told me of all the people who quit the program, saying they could do it on their own, only to find they couldn't.

The facts are that my resources are limited, and the demands on them are high.  All the WW arguments make sense, and I cannot deny the success I achieved with WW.  It's a good program that helps many people. 

But now I need to go one step farther.  I need to be accountable to myself.

I want to prove that I can do it.

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