Wednesday, April 4, 2012

overcoming the judge

I could have given today entirely over to my inner judge, the one who looks at all the clutter in my life and sees failure; the one who condemns me for being involved in many activities; the one who criticizes my body, my skin, my hair, my teeth; the one who even threatens to spill over and poison those closest to me by paralyzing me with self-abuse.

My inner judge crept into my thoughts this morning.  I succumbed for a while, but then I remembered lessons I've learned.

Thank God and Kathryn and Carol for bringing don Miguel Ruiz into my life.  Ruiz helped me identify the judge - who it is, how it works - and gave me the power to recognize it and thereby to render it powerless.

I am no longer the victim of the judge.  I'm doing the best that I can, and in being aware of that and being proud of that, I silence the judge.  In silencing the judge I stop the self-abuse and I am alive again.
"We search for everything we believe we don’t have, not knowing that everything we are looking for is already inside us. We are born with it.

"God is life. God is life in action. The best way to say, "I love you, God," is to live your life doing your best."  don Miguel Ruiz

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