Tuesday, April 5, 2011

April 5: some physical & mental progress

Last night I would have loved to go walking outside, but before bravely following in Jim's all-weather footsteps and thanks to a little prodding from my wonderful husband, I decided to head to the Y to see whether I could put myself through the wringer there.  Unlike the mornings when the Y is relatively empty, last evening it was packed!  My three favorite types of machine were taken – most every machine was taken – so I resorted to using the Stairmaster.  The room was so hot and humid that the panoramic windows were entirely steamed over, so there was no golf course view.  Thankfully I had music to listen to while I sweated and stepped to nowhere.  From there I hopped on another machine and then another.  I finally stopped when I felt like my body was panicking.  Whether the sweat was from my hard work or the rain forest atmosphere, I didn't care.  I was thankful for the unexpected and challenging workout.

This morning I awoke long before the sun rose, thinking about all the things on my to-do list in the days ahead.  I was starting to panic, but rather than jump out of bed and start doing things, I stayed in bed and thought through the panicky feeling.  What was I afraid of?  What catastrophe was I imagining?  What could I do to ensure that things would run smoothly?  Little by little I organized my runaway worried thoughts into a group of tasks within my power.  Then I got out of bed, grabbed pen & paper, and started listing what I needed to/could do (I can almost check blogging off my list).  I'm still nervous because I want things to go well, but I'm not panicking, and I think I'm not going to turn to food as a hiding place.



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