Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April 6: Brain Day

Since I can't remember the last day I didn't exercise my body (and since my hamstrings are still tight from yesterday), I'm switching gears, giving my body a break, and exercising my brain instead. 


First, I have to say how proud I am of yesterday.  As the PTA president at my daughter's school, I spent the day anxious and worried about the evening's event.  Would it go well?  Had I forgotten any details?  Did I have back-up plans?  I actually awoke very early, but (as I mentioned yesterday) managed to talk myself through my nerves.  As the day went on, since I had my head screwed on straight I didn't dive for refuge in food.  I think the event went really well, and I'm pleased that I was able to handle a medium-stress day so well.


Today I'm working on various projects for schools, church, and my community.  I played games with my Littlest One and am making plans for other things I'm looking forward to with my family.  And much to my dismay as I work through some of the more challenging projects, I find myself thinking "I could go for some milk & graham crackers."  But now that I recognize that impulsive snacking for what it is, an avoidance tool, I'm not falling into that trap.  I'm burning fewer calories today, so I certainly don't need to consume extra calories.  See?  I'm learning!


It feels good to stretch my brain beyond calories, reps, incline, and tension.  And I'd better do it today because tomorrow I'm going to need to focus on weightlifting.  I appreciate all the opportunities I've been blessed with.



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