Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Untitled but worthy nonetheless

Once upon a time I was joyful, athletic, and free.

And then one day when I was running barefoot on the sidewalk, I skinned my big toe.

And then one day when I was playing on the merry-go-round, its rotted wood slashed my leg.

And then one day when I was riding my bike I hit a bump and flew face first over the handle bars.

And then one day when I was playing softball I caught one in the face and broke my jaw.

And little by little I learned that playing hurts.

But my soul isn't really that of a spectator.  I like running.  I like biking.  I like playing softball.

Life will hurt sometimes, but do I really want to let fear of physical hurt be my prison?

Once upon a time I was trusting and relaxed.

And then one day someone broke that trust profoundly.

And then day after day, school after school I was emotionally battered.

And then I believed the lesson "Don't get your hopes up."

Do I want to let fear of emotional hurt be my prison?

Do I want my life to be a shrinking cell of false safety?


And so I risk again and learn again.  I rebuild my self.

And I feel the spark of Hope.

And I understand that with Hope there is always Joy.

And I fight the urge to fear Joy.

And I discard those lessons which have failed me and I turn to those that speak to me.

And I approach the world again.

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